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Success! Nearly 100 people contribute to the Good for a Change Ravenna Park Seattle Cleanup

Having attended a couple different Good for a Change community events with my daughter – one making cards and giving gifts to kids at Seattle’s Children’s Hospital and the other showing support for local first responders – I was asked if I could lend my hand in a different way at their recent Ravenna Park Cleanup.

UW Professor Jeffrey Shulman, the guy behind the Good for a Change movement, is a friend of mine and knows I enjoy putting the drone to use for clientele. Though this wasn’t a client buying or selling a house, it was a good reason to combine two things I enjoy.

Good for a Change is “a grassroots movement consisting of all ages, all people who are willing to be the change they wish to see and who will give effort toward cultivating a culture of compassion, kindness, and respect."

The Ravenna Park Seattle Cleanup was a huge success, with nearly 100 volunteers, including State Representatives Nicole Macri and Gerry Pollet, State Senator Jamie Pederson, Seattle City Council Members Rob Johnson and Teresa Mosqueda, and Girl Scout Troop 680!

If you’re interested in volunteering at future events, you can follow Good for a Change on Facebook and/or visit

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